This web museum displays the images of Haiku works in Eri-Temple with the permission.大垣市船町正覚寺境内にある芭蕉追悼碑の拓本です。芭蕉翁の文字は八十村路通の筆と伝えられ、元禄七年(1694)秋、芭蕉の悲報が伝わるや、近藤如行ら門人の手により建立されました。芭蕉追悼碑中最古のものと云われております。
The image above is the rubbed copy of the memorial stone of Matsuo Basho in the precincts of Shokakuji Temple in Funa-machi Ogaki city. It is said that this is the oldest one of the memorial stones of Basho which was built by Kondo Jpko and other basho's pupils as soon as the sad news about their teacher's death was brought.There words were reportedly written by Yasomura Rotsu.獅子門美濃派資料館は恵利寺(岐阜県武儀郡武芸川町跡部)の許可を受け、同寺の所蔵作品を展示しております。
This web museum displays the images of Haiku works in Eri-Temple with the permission.